An unusual accident occurred recently in the small West Virginia town of Kingmont. As unlikely as it sounds, no one was killed or seriously injured in the accident.

An 87-year old woman was backing out of her parking spot in front of the post office when she missed the brake pedal and accidentally mashed down on the accelerator. In a style reminiscent of  a Fast and Furious movie, her car spun around 180 degrees and hit a van.

The van was struck so hard it was pushed to the side, and struck a jeep parked nearby. The jeep started to roll forward and hit a concrete barrier.

Alas, the weight of the jeep was too much for the poles holding the barrier in place. The poles snapped, the barrier fell over, and landed on the foot of a 75-year -old Patricia Piercy, who was watching the astonishing chain of events unfold. Mrs. Piercy was taken to a hospital for her foot injury, and miraculously, was the only person hurt. Seriously – it was the sole injury.